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Banda para unirse, Acordeón, Chelo, Contrabajo, Guitarra metal, Gaita, Trombón, Vocalista - Alto, Dobro, Viola, Mandolina, Banjo, Otro, Flauta, Harmónica, Cantante de Fondo, Piano, Teclado, Saxofón, Trompeta, Violín, Otro Percusión, Batería, Bajo, Guitarra Acústica, Guitarra Principal, Guitarra rítmica, Vocalista - Soprano, Vocalista - Tenor, Vocalista - Barítono, Vocalista - Bajo.


hi! i want to start an original band with an eye toward performing all the time.

i am a lyricist and singer who writes her own vocal lines and harmonies. the themes are dark as is my aesthetic. i love performing more than anything; on stage i like to howl and have fits.

i vaguely know my way around a piano and have studied very basic music theory but i don’t play an instrument.

your instrument doesn’t matter to me as long as you have your own sound and ideas. the more you know/understand yourself as a musician the better. i want to combine my powers with the powers of somebody else powerful. i am a pleasant and flexible collaborator, despite my strong ideas.

my vocals are heavily influenced by grunge and baroque chorale i guess. huge fan of radiohead, idolize lingua ignota. my favorite sounds are sludgey and womblike. would love to create with someone who has an author and punisher kind of vibe, but again i am totally open. i will know what i want when i hear it.

fully committed to this project, making art is my life so no weekenders please. i’m bringing a lot to the table, please do same.

my preferred way to work is to write lyrics and vocal melody over a pre-composed piece.

ideally we will spend a few months developing material, rehearse like madmen for a while, then start booking gigs. a lot. everywhere we can. if you are experienced in the business of being in a working band and/or good with production [i’m extremely novice] i am extra interested in hearing from you.

Nombre en pantalla:
Miembro desde:
agosto 11 2019
Activo hace más de un mes
Nivel de compromiso:
Muy Comprometido
Años tocando música:
Conciertos jugado:
de 50 a 100
Tienden a practicar:
más de 3 veces por semana
Disponible para conciertos:
2-3 noches a la semana


radiohead, pink Floyd, Chelsea wolfe, lingua ignota, author and punisher, tool, grieg, bach

Experiencia con el instrumento:

Vocalista - General:


killer voice, killer legs