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Andrew Koski

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  • Tipo mp3 | Thu, 05 Jul 2018 19:09:10 +0200
  • Tamaño completo 3,242.78 Kilobytes | Pista # 1
  • Año No disponible | Álbum No disponible
  • Género Heavy Metal | Comentarios

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Piano, Keyboard, Saxophone, Other Percussion, Drums, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar.


Aus den USA, neu in Deutschland seit Juni.

After playing in a band in Austin, TX and teaching guitar for about half a year I feel ready to pursue music full time. I am searching for like minded people to start a band with, or join an established band.

I am releasing demo's and rough drafts of my music onto soundcloud and youtube under the name 'Ylikoski'

Nombre en pantalla:
Andrew Koski
Miembro desde:
Jul 05 2018
Activo hace más de un mes
Nivel de compromiso:
Very Committed
Años tocando música:
Conciertos jugado:
10 to 50
Tienden a practicar:
More than 3 times per week
Disponible para conciertos:
6-7 nights a week
Most available:

Experiencia con el instrumento:

Lead Guitar: